Sunil Sandhu

Sunil Sandhu

Hey, I’m Sunil. You might know me from In Plain English. Over the past 10 years I've built a bunch of apps, products, software, and services (you can find them all here).

You can find a links to all of the content I've created below.

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

4 Steps to Improve the Quality of Your Writing

πŸ“β€’β€’Livecycle Blog

Interview for Dev-X Project

πŸ“β€’β€’Bits and Pieces

9 JavaScript Console Tips That Will Improve Your Debugging Skills

πŸ“β€’β€’Bits and Pieces

State of JS 2021-2022: What We Learned About JavaScript in 2022

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’Notts TV

Interview for Notts TV

πŸ“β€’β€’Balance the Grind

Interview for Balance the Grind

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript In Plain English

Here's a list of technologies I wasted my time learning as a web developer

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript In Plain English

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2021 Edition]

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript In Plain English

How to Bypass Captchas with JavaScript

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript In Plain English

Remove Element from Array in JavaScript

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Quick way to create light/dark mode with CSS custom properties and JavaScript

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript In Plain English

Upgrade Your JavaScript Debugging With TheseΒ Tips

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript In Plain English

How performant are Array methods and Object methods in JavaScript?

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Recursion in JavaScript Explained Properly

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript In Plain English

We Need To Reframe How We Learn Recursion

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Closures in JavaScript: Practical Examples

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

How to scrape data from a website with JavaScript

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Factory Functions in JavaScript

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

10 Essential GitHub Repos for Software Developers

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Bind, Call, and Apply explained in JavaScript

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2020 Edition]

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Classes in JavaScript (and why syntactic sugar is fine)

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

More Loops in JavaScript

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Loops in JavaScript

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

Bits, Bytes, and Missing Memory

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’In Plain English

How to count in binary

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

Three ways to write a Fibonacci function in JavaScript

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

JavaScript For Absolute Beginners

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

Nobody Cares Whether You Used Imperative Or Declarative Programming

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

How I share React components between projects

πŸŽ₯β€’β€’London Web Performance

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [London Web Perf]

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

I created the exact same app in Vue and Svelte. Here are the differences.

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

I created the exact same app in React and Svelte. Here are the differences.

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

How I reduced the code in my Redux app by using Redux Hooks

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

I tested a React app with Jest, Enzyme, Testing Library and Cypress. Here are the differences

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

I created the exact same app in React and Redux. Here are the differences

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2019 Edition]

πŸŽ§β€’β€’Views On Vue

#054: Nuxt with Sunil Sandhu [Views On Vue Podcast]

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

How to use forEach in JavaScript


The 2019 Web Developer Roadmap

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

How to use computed properties in Vue


Learn How to Use Vuex by Building an Online Shopping Website


3 advantages of React functional components on an eCommerce site

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

How to loop through arrays in React


Switching to Parcel from Webpack

πŸ“β€’β€’Progress Telerik

How to Emit Data in Vue: Beyond the Vue.js Documentation

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

What is Hoisting in JavaScript?

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

What is an IIFE in JavaScript?

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.


How to use Map, Filter and Reduce in JavaScript

πŸ“β€’β€’JavaScript in Plain English

How to add an Instagram feed to your website πŸ“·