π₯β’β’In Plain English
πβ’β’Livecycle Blog
Interview for Dev-X Project
πβ’β’Bits and Pieces
9 JavaScript Console Tips That Will Improve Your Debugging Skills
πβ’β’Bits and Pieces
State of JS 2021-2022: What We Learned About JavaScript in 2022
π₯β’β’Notts TV
Interview for Notts TV
πβ’β’Balance the Grind
Interview for Balance the Grind
πβ’β’JavaScript In Plain English
Here's a list of technologies I wasted my time learning as a web developer
πβ’β’JavaScript In Plain English
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2021 Edition]
πβ’β’JavaScript In Plain English
How to Bypass Captchas with JavaScript
πβ’β’JavaScript In Plain English
Remove Element from Array in JavaScript
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Quick way to create light/dark mode with CSS custom properties and JavaScript
πβ’β’JavaScript In Plain English
Upgrade Your JavaScript Debugging With TheseΒ Tips
πβ’β’JavaScript In Plain English
How performant are Array methods and Object methods in JavaScript?
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Recursion in JavaScript Explained Properly
πβ’β’JavaScript In Plain English
We Need To Reframe How We Learn Recursion
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Closures in JavaScript: Practical Examples
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
How to scrape data from a website with JavaScript
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Factory Functions in JavaScript
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
10 Essential GitHub Repos for Software Developers
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Bind, Call, and Apply explained in JavaScript
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2020 Edition]
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Classes in JavaScript (and why syntactic sugar is fine)
π₯β’β’In Plain English
More Loops in JavaScript
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Loops in JavaScript
π₯β’β’In Plain English
Bits, Bytes, and Missing Memory
π₯β’β’In Plain English
How to count in binary
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
Three ways to write a Fibonacci function in JavaScript
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
JavaScript For Absolute Beginners
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
Nobody Cares Whether You Used Imperative Or Declarative Programming
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
How I share React components between projects
π₯β’β’London Web Performance
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [London Web Perf]
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
I created the exact same app in Vue and Svelte. Here are the differences.
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
I created the exact same app in React and Svelte. Here are the differences.
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
How I reduced the code in my Redux app by using Redux Hooks
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
I tested a React app with Jest, Enzyme, Testing Library and Cypress. Here are the differences
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
I created the exact same app in React and Redux. Here are the differences
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences. [2019 Edition]
π§β’β’Views On Vue
#054: Nuxt with Sunil Sandhu [Views On Vue Podcast]
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
How to use forEach in JavaScript
The 2019 Web Developer Roadmap
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
How to use computed properties in Vue
Learn How to Use Vuex by Building an Online Shopping Website
3 advantages of React functional components on an eCommerce site
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
How to loop through arrays in React
Switching to Parcel from Webpack
πβ’β’Progress Telerik
How to Emit Data in Vue: Beyond the Vue.js Documentation
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
What is Hoisting in JavaScript?
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
What is an IIFE in JavaScript?
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.
How to use Map, Filter and Reduce in JavaScript
πβ’β’JavaScript in Plain English